Here we have one more car for you Ford Fiesta, this car comes with 12 months free AA breakdown cover and MOT valid till, 02/12/2025, its got good service history and last service done at the present mileage, its got good equipment like parking sensors , it has Bluetooth you can pair your phone to listen music or taking calls etc , ULEZ complaint no need to pay any extra charge for ULEZ areas, it has spare as well, we kept it for reasonable price please give us a call if you need any kind of information about the car or test drive,, we do deliver cars so don't hesitate to give us a direct call to check the delivery cost and we promise we will give you very good prices , lastly if you want to sell your car better bring it along and we will offer you a very attractive part exchange value ,, , Please call us for any information at 07488546301, FOR OUR EXACT LOCATION THE LINK BELOW ,,-0.439200&q=Dropped%20Pin&t=m. Blue, 2 owners, £1,790