Lovely condition Nissan Leaf with 11/12 battery health! Reliable and very cheap motoring. If the ad is up, the car is still available. I've really enjoyed owning this car - quiet, reliable, very low running costs and full charge every morning without a petrol station! HPI clear, free road tax, with the correct energy tariff can cost as little as 1.68 for full charge! 10 months MOT - only minor advisory, slight play in track rod end. Realistic 80-90 mile range summer, 70 mile range winter. Good tyre tread, front and rear parking sensors, timed charging and defrost. Comes with both genuine Nissan 3 pin granny charger, genuine Nissan type 1 to type 2 cable as well as a type 1 to type 2 adapter. So you can get started even if you don't have a charger. Charges to full overnight with 3 pin granny charger. Leaf spy app shows good battery health and well balanced pack, see attached. Feel free to message/call any questions and arrange a viewing/test drive. Next MOT due 11/10/2025, Part service history, White, 4 owners, £3,395