In your BMW 2 Series Coupé you can expect ultimate flexibility and freedom at your fingertips, thanks to BMW ConnectedDrive. Offering a suite of class-leading technologies and connectivity features, your BMW ensures you have everything you need before, during and after your journey.
With the BMW Operating System 8.5 included as standard, your BMW 2 Series Coupé enables a multimedia experience that is second to none.
Delivering the best possible support for every journey, BMW ConnectedDrive provides instinctive features for you, whenever you need them.
There’s so much to experience while on the road in your BMW. And because the right soundtrack turns every route into an adventure, there’s a host of music technology available to ensure the right backing track is played to suit your mood.
Intelligent support is always there when you need it. The BMW 2 Series Coupé provides the technologies to make journeys safer whether at night, in busy traffic situations or negotiating tight parking spaces.