This is my 18th year of owning this Freelander. I have maintained it myself over the years and always serviced and repaired when required, I am a fully qualified vehicle Technician and know this vehicle inside and out.
The vehicle is going to be 24 years old and after all that time corrosion has now shown its presence so I don't want to weld it but time for change.
It has all the good things on it for performance, including a set of refurbished injectors which have done just over 8000 miles now (tickets in document file picture). The VCU has done about 19,000 miles and the stainless-steel tail pipe has been on for about 4000 miles and centre exhaust a bit longer. A Pierburgh Maf with synergy2 to run it with the ECU has done about 24000 miles (one of the best things changed does 38-40 mpg on trips to Devon and 34-37 running around). It is now on its 3rd clutch which has done about 41000 miles. BMW breather fitted so no filter in there and a KN air filter, also a new tank frame fitted 5 years ago. Renault 5 thermostat fitted which works well, oils have always been changed in good time hence 235000 miles on the clock with very little trouble. Fuel burning heater works, rear brake shoes and springs change about 35000 miles ago all windows work. It is on mk1 Freelander alloy wheels with 6mm spacers at the moment as they have the winter tyres on and have quiet good tread depth, the picture of the set of wheels are the mk2 alloys that have not as good tread depth which are all seasons. I tidied the roof liner up and inside; the cab is tidy with a Sony Bluetooth Radio CD player and the air conditioning works. Everything seems to work well!
So, while it has Tax you my like to Vue and try before you buy.
Thank you for looking.