I have switched to an electric car, so this sturdy little beast needs a new home.
It has a brand new MOT, which it sailed through first time (nobody more surprised than us). I have come to the conclusion that this is the Deadpool of the car world.
It's ridiculously cheap to run, always starts and is good fun to drive.
It has a few quirks, as with most older cars. The stereo is absolute rubbish. Radio technology has been around for well over a century, and yet this struggles with anything beyond Radio Four. Marconi would be turning in his grave.
It has electric windows (only in the front, mind you) and they work when they feel like it. Probably a simple electrical fix, but every time I thought about sorting it out they started working again.
It is currently filthy, because I have been waiting for the weather to dry up a bit before getting it cleaned, but having seen a bearded dude sail past in an ark full of animals it would seem that this is unlikely in the immediate future. It will be cleaned before viewings however. We're not monsters.
It could do with a service. We bought it off some cowboy who promised to service it but never did. We had planned to do it ourselves before listing it for sale but again, weather is happening. If we can get out of the house without requiring waders this weekend, we will give it a service.
If you're the sort of person that this matters to, it is a she and her name is Margot. If you're not the sort of person this matters to, just ignore this entire paragraph.
Due to the limitations of the website I am unable to scroll back and proof-read this description, so I am trusting that there are no embarrassing typos.