++REALLY GOOD SERVICE HISTORY WITH THIRTEEN STAMPS IN ALL++CHAIN DRIVEN ENGINE SO NO CAM BELT CHANGE NEEDED++7 SEATS++WE CAN FIND NO EVIDENCE OF THE CAR HAVING BEEN SMOKED IN++DETACHABLE TOW HOOK WITH ELECTRICS++SPARE NON REMOTE KEY++We are located just one mile from junction three of the M58 motorway. Part ex. is possible; finance can be arranged if needed. The car can be viewed after hours. We accept debit and credit cards. More detailed high res. pictures, email me and they will be forwarded to you. NO QUIBBLE 24 HOUR FULL REFUND IF THE CAR PURCHASED IS NOT UP TO SCRATCH. 3 MONTHS WARRANTY INCLUDED, EXTENDABLE TO UP TO TWO YEARS++Pop in 35 Bushey Lane, Rainford, St Helens, WA11 7TD or tel. 01744682479 email james dealer's website SEE OUR CUSTOMER REVIEWS ON GOOGLE AND OTHER SITES++HPI CHECKED AND ALL CLEAR ON ALL REGISTERS++FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AND NATIONWIDE DELIVERY AT COST ONLY++SEE MANY MORE PICTURES ON OUR WEBSITE