Always a great selling car for us and we are delighted to be able to offer this very nice Vauxhall Astra for sale. Finished in Sovereign Silver metallic paintwork with a contrasting black cloth interior this car presents very well indeed.
Both keys and the locking wheel nut are present with the car and we have an EXCELLENT SERVICE HISTORY which is detailed as follows:-
* 28/4/2019 - 15451 MILES - VAUXHALL MAIN DEALER
* 4/6/2019 - 15458 MILES - PETER VARDY
* 18/5/2020 - 21893 MILES - TREADS GARAGE
* 14/06/2021 - 26595 MILES - MILLERS OF CHAPELHALL
* 20/8/2021 - 26756 MILES - PETER VARDY
* 1/3/2022 - 29831 MILES - WILLIE MCLERNON
* 10/2/2024 - 41332 MILES - WILLIE MCLERNON Over 65 similar cars always available at