Honda reliability iDTEC engine.
FSH Honda dealer service stamps.
5 Main Dealership Stamps.
12m MOT with No advisories whatsoever
Ideal first car or for general run around.
Executive Diesel 1.6 . 72 mpg : see Autotrader Economy data below.
Lightweight , Highly fuel Efficient (Low polluting vehicle only 108 g/km) , and nippy. Heated Seats with 2 Exec heat settings
Retractable & Tilted Electric Sunroof.
Excellent Discs & pads due to low mileage.
Spare wheel
Pristine & Well looked after.
Metallic Pearlescent Paint
Keyless entry on radius approach and lock
Dashcam wire already installed - direct to battery saving you the hassle of fitting at Halfords say.
Available to view in Uxbridge or Guildford.
WFH forces sale.
Can arrange delivery. Call to discuss.