ULEZ!! AUTOMATIC!! CHEAP & CHEERFUL!! LONG MOT TILL MARCH 2026!! ENGINE AND AUTOMATIC GEARBOX IN EXCELLENT CONDITION!! UNLIMITED TEST DRIVE AND INSPECTION WELCOME!! NO KNOCKS OR BANGS!! IDEAL CHEAP RUN AROUND, GROWING FAMILY OR WORK HORSE!! A LOT OF CAR FOR THE MONEY!! This vehicle was taken in part exchange against one of our retail cars!! NO inspection or any form of preparation has been carried out by ourselves!! It has been Hpi checked and is clear!! ALL documentation present!! This is strictly a trade sale hence the cheap price!! AGE RELATED MARKS HERE AND THERE CONSISTENT WITH THE YEAR, NOTHING MAJOR!! GRAB A BARGAIN!! NO TIME WASTERS PLEASE!! CASH OR BANK TRANSFER!! ALL MAJOR CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED!!