1 female owner from new.
I added the M Sports Pro Pack from new (standard BMW extra 2k)
Includes - 18" 554m v-spoke style orbit grey alloy wheels, m-sport braking system, m-sports steering, sun protection glass, m seat belts, aerodynamic bodystyling.
Most m sports don't have this pack because it's an add on.
Colour - black Sapphire (extra)
All services completed by BMW dealerships
Service - Dec22 - standard (with paperwork)
Service - May24 - standard (with paperwork)
Service - Aug24 - standard (with paperwork) plus - front and rear brake pads and sensors, adblue change, air filter Service, microfilter service (1k)
MOT until Dec 2025
Tyres replaced (need to confirm date)
I have taken care of this car, as hopefully you can tell.
Reason for sale - International travel (no need for car)
Conditions to note - small scuff on drivers side wingmirror, few minor scratches in alloys, clip on hood needs replacing.
Cleaned & valeted ready for sale.