Full service history with intervals at 2,333, 6,398, 15,262, 21,644, 24,750, 26,321, 28,288, 32,617, 36,413, 38,285, 38,846, 42,782, 44,902, 45,165, 45,429. Upgrades above and beyond factory 293 BHP, Viggen rescue kit, Rear strut body brace, Rear anti roll bar, Rear axle upgrade, Rear breaks which are motor aero discs, calipers and pads. Front breaks which are motorsport discs and pads. Uprated and lowered springs and Koni adjustable shock absorbers, High flow turbo inter cooler and flow pipes. There is a £4,787.50 bill for the upgraded engine conversion. There is a file with the vehicle with all bills to prove, there must be over 100 documents to support all work ever done to the car.