##OVER £10000 OF FACTORY OPTIONS ## BIGGEST SPEC 3 SERIES TOURING YOU WILL FIND WITH GREAT HISTORYEXTRAS SUCH AS GLASS PAN ROOF, HEATED FULL M SPORT LEATHER WITH HEATED STEERING WHEEL, UPGRADED HARMON KARDON WITH BASS&SUB SPEAKER IN THE BOOT, WE HAVE OWNED THE CAR FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS ITS AMAZING DIRECTORS PERSONAL CAR. AUTOSMITH NE Ltd is a car buying and selling company based out of Cliff's service station, a well-established vehicle service and MOT business. Located on the edge of Ashbrooke in the South of Sunderland, CLIFFS SERVICE STATION has been trading since the 1960s with many happy customers returning year after year.
As a company, AUTOSMITH NE can draw on over 30 years of buying and selling experience across all car brands from new cars to affordable first cars. With a company ethos based on customer service and high standards of preparation and cleanliness, your next vehicle journey can be easy and hassle free.
If you have a question about one of our listed vehicles or a particular type of vehicle in mind, please don't hesitate to get in touch. If we don't have what you are looking for, we may be able to source it for you so pick up the phone or send us an email.