Drives spot on, pulls well. Not sure if been remapped by previous owner.
Had timing chain done by previous owner aswell as water pump. (@92,000)
Issue is had slow oil leaks coming from underneath the drivers seat / drivers wheel which is apparently the lower timing cover
which was bent when changing the chain / tensioner.
It's a cheap fix for someone with the time. It's a car I bought as a backup which barely gets used it's sat around 103.000 I believe. No knocks or bangs no lights on the dash. Tyres are all good isofix in the rear. Loads of space. No scratched or dents. It was a cat s from insurance but wasn't actually structural it all got sorted by 2 owners ago. (Front drivers wing) all sorted and no problems.
Open to offers. TIA
- it was valued at 3120 but obviously oil issue is why I'm asking less. Thanks